Essential Oil Blend for Athlete’s foot (Problematic Germ Candida Albicans)
Local treatment for Athlete’s foot (25%)
20 ml jojoba
2,0 ml essential oil of cinamon (Cinnamonum ceylanicum)
2,0 ml essential oil of cloves (Syzygium aromaticum)
1,0 ml essential oil of marjoram (Origanum majoranum)
5 dr. essential oil of peppermint (Mentha piperita) (cooling)
Please note, that this blend includes single bottles of each respective oil and that it is not a finished blend.
Due to the persistence of a fungi colonization on the foot, it is often necessary to use an essential oil blend locally twice a day additionally to the following suggestions for the treatment of the problematic germ candida albicans.
In most cases, it is not sufficient to treat the affected area locally. At best, a change of diet takes place, whereby observing the advice from Werthmann-diet is recommended.
Yeast fungus are often considered as indicators for heavy and light metal burdening which lead to a necessary rejection.
Oftentimes the big toe linked to the liver meridian is affected first. Thus, aside from the local treatment, it makes sense to also treat the liver and gut. An enzyme and immune deficiency, or blockages caused by hidden foci or chronic inflammations, can burden the meridians to the point that athlete’s foot develops.
The SANUM therapy plan shows the approach for the systemic treatment of a yeast fungi disease (you can obtain further information under or by contacting your therapist).
Caution: Do not use on children (<8 y.) and women who are pregnant or breastfeeding!
Essential oils should never be applied undiluted, always mix it with a carrier oil (carrier substance).
If possible, test the patient for tolerance by having him smell the oil!